Creating a Legacy of Clean Water and Vibrant Communities
Failed Septic Systems
Litter Cleanups Residential & Commercial Runoff |
Install Wetlands
Stormwater Management |
Land Donation & Purchase
Conservation Easements |
A Waterway in Need of Care
Banklick Creek, Kenton County's largest waterway, stretches across 58 square miles and even into Boone County. This vital waterway flows into the Licking River, then the Ohio River, eventually reaching the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico.
Despite its significance, Banklick Creek faces long-standing challenges with flooding and poor water quality. The Division of Water has identified contamination issues, including bacteria, sediment, and excessive nutrients. Recognizing the severity of the problem, the Division declared Banklick a priority watershed and awarded grants to the Banklick Watershed Council to improve water quality and protect this valuable resource. |
Improving and Restoring Banklick Creek

The Banklick Watershed Council is dedicated to restoring and protecting Banklick Creek and its tributaries. We use science-based, sustainable approaches to address the challenges facing our community waterway. Our focus is on:
- Reducing the Pollution - We work to minimize pollution from various sources, including failing septic systems, residential and commercial runoff, construction sites, and eroding stream banks.
- Restoring the Creek - Our restoration efforts aim to stabilize eroding banks, enhance fish and wildlife habitat, restore natural stream flows, and improve groundwater recharge.
- Preserving the Land - We prioritize land conservation and wetland creation to filter pollutants, provide habitat for diverse species, reduce flood risks, and stabilize the banks.
Get Involved
Learn more about our ongoing projects, stay updated on the latest news, and explore the data on Banklick Watershed. Join us at our next Council meeting and help us on our mission. Your participation is crucial in our collective efforts to restore and preserve Banklick Creek.
For environmental emergencies such as spills of gas, oil or other substances, contact the Kentucky Dept. for Environmental Protection's
Environmental Response Team at 502-564-2380 or 1-800-928-2380
Environmental Response Team at 502-564-2380 or 1-800-928-2380